fredag 28 mars 2008

Fieldwork in kumbharwada, the potters' nagar

I meet Ranchhod, a proud potter in kumbharwada. He makes a strong impression, talks english fluently - he was the only one of his generation who went to college. We have an interesting discussion about the future of the area. The interview turns into a dialogue. I discover later he will be starring in a coming documentary about the future of Dharavi. He tells me all children go to college today, people's minds evolve and what was enough yesterday won't be enough tomorrow. Change is bound to happen.

Our group organises a small workshop with children from the area, with help from inhabitants of kumbharwada. To get things organized is quite difficult but proves instructive (which spaces are to be used, are the open spaces communal or private, how do we transport the clay to the chosen spot, etc). We ask the children to use clay to build their dream house. Even a couple of grown-ups show interest and participate. All participants get a prize at the end, after a short interview.

Our last day in the area doesn't go according to plan because of lack of time. We wanted to give photographs taken the previous day to each participant, and use them to discuss with the families about the future of kumbharwada. From what we have gathered the inhabitants are very aware of the changes ahead, but they were understandingly not willing to share their plans with us the first days. But I'm pretty sure it would have been a good method to open up for a dialogue, judging from the reactions when we gave away the photographs.

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